The emotion related to the lungs is grief and melancholy: when you have grief in your dreams, it is the first sign that something is wrong with your lungs.
The sound related to the spleen is weeping: if you weep very easy when you see a movie, that means that you have to strenghten your lungs.
The sound related to the spleen is weeping: if you weep very easy when you see a movie, that means that you have to strenghten your lungs.
The pungent taste is the taste related to metal. The nose and the smell are influenced by the health of the lungs.
In nature we see metal as dryness, as autumn, as harvest, as white, as pungent, as west and the earth grain is rice.
In autumn we should pay special attention to the lungs.
For foods you should choose mildly sweet foods and round foods (e.g. pumpkin) and foods that represent the center: millet, corn, cabbages, sweet potatoes, squash, sweet rice, rice, peas, chestnut etc...
A three day single grain fast should be very beneficial in this season.
A three day single grain fast should be very beneficial in this season.
If you combine foods, leave the combination as simple as possible and with a minimum of seasoning as we have to prepare for a period with less choice in food.
When the lungs are healthy, we create order and are very effective. Click here to see the other Elements.
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